VPN is not an acronym that most people see every day. However, its meaning and function can be explained relatively quickly and easily. VPN simply stands for virtual private network, which is typically used as a sort of intranet function by many companies. A VPN network is basically just a private network that various users, employees, et cetera can access from any existing internet connection in the world.
So, for example, if your employer sets up a VPN to allow many employees to work remotely while accessing the resources available and inherent in a common company network, it would make collaboration, communication, and reporting infinitely easier from either remote locations or the same office. You would get a username and password, much like a company email account, and would be able to log into the VPN from anywhere in the world with an internet connection as a result. The advent of the VPN has enabled a number of people to work remotely, saving many workers on commuting time, and saving money for the home company, as well. After all, less space to rent, workers compensation insurance to buy, and utilities to pay can all equal a more likely end of the year bonus for your hard work!
Offering increased security, easy organizational and collaboration capabilities, and potential savings, the advent of VPN networks have meant freedom and extra cash for a number of companies and workers worldwide. As technology changes and becomes cheaper and more widely available, more and more companies may use VPN technologies in order to take advantage of these phenomena. Indeed, with increasing numbers of people working from home, history might well see VPN technology, or something very similar, as the invention that helped create a new work culture.