There were almost 43,000 incidents just in the US in 2011 that involved computer intrusion of some kind, and the government itself has wrestled with a near 700 percent increase in breaches to its next generation network despite having an advanced intrusion detection system. This means that unless you have enterprise firewalls in place, your company will be at serious risk. The six types of enterprise firewalls are as follows; embedded, enterprise software, enterprise hardware, SOHO software, SOHO hardware, and specialty and you will do well to learn which would be best for your company. By doing so, you will have the opportunity to employ an intrusion prevention system that will actually work.
In order to get a high tech network security platform put into place, you will need to get in touch with a company that really understands the needs of your business. In doing so, you will be able to utilize next gen network security measures that can actually be applied to your business rather than something more generalized which may or may not work should a real threat occur. In doing so, you will be able to make your company truly protected.
If you value the work that you do, it is important to covet it in the most profound way. Using enterprise firewalls is a natural step in aiding this process along. By doing so, you will be able to have all that you need to keep your business flourishing.