Over the course of the year, it seems like we have heard about a new cyber attack on a major corporation at least once a month, if not more. JP Morgan, Target and Home Depot are just a few of the big names that have been victims of cybercrime, losing millions of private customer data in the process. As cybercrime becomes more of threat, it is important for all businesses that store sensitive information in their systems to boost their security measures. While requiring passwords for employees to access and send certain data might have once worked, hackers are now outsmarting even the most advanced security efforts. Companies that have not improved their network security measures should seriously consider doing so. Here are some ways to do it:
- Switch File Transfer Methods – Many companies have relied on the traditional method of using an FTP server, or File Transfer Protocol, to upload, download and share large files over their network. While this protocol is a tried and true method for transferring files efficiently, it does not provide any data protection. Important company information can easily be stolen over an FTP connection, increasing the threat of a cyber attack. Switching to an SFTP server, or secure file transfer protocol, ensures that a company’s data in motion is secure. SFTP servers provide secure file transfer services by encrypting data and sending it over a secure data stream.
- Install File Audit Software – File audit software allows a company to efficiently monitor its systems and keep track of when certain files are being accessed or shared. It can be set to perform security checks on a predetermined schedule and alerts the proper authority when a security threat is detected. File audit software also keeps a record of every time a file is opened, edited, shared or deleted, and it can tell the specific user who performed the action. This software gives a company more control over its computer systems and reduces the risk of a security breach.
- Require Password Changes – One of the most important ways to protect information from being hacked is to require everyone within the company to change their password frequently and make their passwords more complex. Frequent password changes gives hackers less of a chance to guess a user’s password, and making passwords more complex means that it is harder for them to guess what the password is. Good passwords contain a mixture of capital and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols.
As more cases of security breaches hit the headlines, it is crucial for all companies to take action to prevent a cyber attack on their systems. Waiting until after data has been stolen will negatively affect a company’s reputation and lead to expensive clean up efforts. Read more here.