Since 93% of all internet experiences start with a search engine, it’s no secret anymore that all small businesses need to jump on the bandwagon and get into the realm of internet marketing. It’s also not a secret that online marketing is a multi-pronged strategy that requires a lot of work and knowledge. While some small businesses are capable of taking care of some parts of their internet marketing efforts, some things are too big and too important not to outsource. Here are three of them.
1. Email Marketing
Believe it or not, email is still one of the top internet activities and ranks right up there alongside search. Email marketing for small businesses is a super easy way to remind your customers who you are, what you’re offering, and to implement a call to action. This can also be kind of tough to stay on top of, so having someone manage it for you can make things a little easier.
2. Social Media Management
Another part of your internet marketing that you may want to think about outsourcing is social media management. There are a number of benefits of social media marketing, but you won’t see any of them if it’s not done the right way. Your business needs to be on the right platforms, targeting the right audience, and sharing the right content. If this isn’t something you can do (and 54% of small business owners agree that they need help with their social media presence), you should probably just outsource.
3. Create an SEO Branding Strategy
Aside from social media and email marketing, you’re also probably going to need to outsource your overall SEO branding strategy. Sure, you can probably take care of a couple of small details in-house, but the overall plan should probably be cooked up by the experts — including everything from local SEO to your web design and more.
Do you use a professional SEO company for email, social media, or to create an SEO branding strategy? Feel free to share your experience with us in the comments section below.