Imagine you are calling into a certain company to leave a message about either a positive or negative experience. The phone starts ringing, and continues to ring. Then continues to ring even more. You are unable to leave a message, wondering whether or not the company even cares about customer feedback. If your customers are experiencing this, it may be time to look into an automated telephone answering service. An automated answering service will allow customers to access your business’ extensions and commands, as well as leaving a message. 24 hour answering services provide many benefits. Read on to find out more.
Assists in handling customer complaints, questions and concerns
As mentioned above, a 24/7 answering service can help with handling customer complaints. It can also help to answer customer questions after business hours. You can record answers to general and common questions that many customers ask. That way, many customers will be satisfied simply after listening to your after hours answering service, rather than having to call back.
Can increase customer satisfaction
By allowing your customers access to answers as well as to leaving messages, it can increase customer satisfaction. An automated telephone answering service allows customers to contact your business at any time, again increasing customer satisfaction. On average, 59% of Americans would actually try a different brand or company in order to find a better customer service experience. Therefore, it is incredibly important to keep your customer’s satisfied.
Less likely to miss revenue opportunities
Customers may be calling after business hours for questions that may lead to an increase in revenue. Not providing an opportunity for customers to leave messages or hear recorded prompts, may cause you to lose revenue. You may want to consider an automated telephone answering service to ensure that you do not lose out on revenue opportunities.
Can generate more profits
Not only can it lead to less missed-revenue opportunities, it can also lead to an increase in profits due to customer service. In fact, companies that put their customer service above other areas receive profits 60% higher than their competitors. Providing better customer service than your competitors can allow you to increase your profits.
Have you ever called a company and were forced to hang up, without hearing automated messages or leaving your own message? Would you say that this company offered great customer service? Let us know in the comments!