Construction workers have unique jobs. They are tasked with building both residential and commercial buildings. They are also responsible for creating roads, bridges, and making city repairs. Some of these projects can be particularly dangerous. These dangerous projects require an experienced construction worker, the right tools, and specific safety precautions. Safety precautions come in the form of trainings and tools. The following tools and items are important in the protection of construction workers.
Temporary bridges
Many of the countries bridges are due for renovations, or even complete rebuilds. In total, one in nine of the nation?s bridges are rated as structurally deficient, while the average age of the nation?s 607,380 bridges is currently 42 years. This means that over the next couple of years, there will be an increase in bridge work by construction workers. Temporary bridges are not only for the convenience of those who need to transport across the bridge, but also for the safety of the workers. The temporary bridge allows them to completely close the bridge they are working on. They do not have to worry about traffic or distracted drivers. Temporary bridges are usually fast installation bridges, meaning they can quickly be installed.
Trench boxes
A lot of construction projects require the worker to go deep into the ground. This is true of even bridge remodels. The legs of the bridge must be planted deep into the ground for the most amount of support. However, the foundation of the ground is not always entirely predictable, and can easily cave in. OHSA trench boxes are trench boxes that are approved by OSHA. They hold the ground apart and give the worker an easy entrance into the underground area. Trench boxes can be expensive, so trench box rentals are used often. Trench box rentals are used in a variety of construction projects, including bridge renovations, heavy duty shoring, and even excavation shoring projects. They are considered to be an extremely necessary construction propping system.
Additional trench box materials
Trench box rentals are not enough for full protection and safety. OSHA requires safe access and egress to all excavations, including ladders, steps, ramps, or other safe means of exit for employees working in trench excavations 4 feet (1.22 meters) or deeper. These devices must be located within 25 feet (7.6 meters) of all workers. The existence of these additional materials is to increase the safety of excavation methods for construction workers. Without these safety precautions in place, things like tension cracks and trench accident occurrences would increase drastically.
Soil tests
Even with the best trench box rentals, excavations can be dangerous. Tension cracks and atmospheric pressure can affect the safety of the trenches. It is important to regularly test the soils for their type. Unit Weight of Soils refers to the weight of one unit of a particular soil. The weight of soil varies with type and moisture content. One cubic foot of soil can weigh from 110 pounds to 140 pounds or more, and one cubic meter (35.3 cubic feet) of soil can weight more than 3,000 pounds. There are also different types of soil present, including Type A, Type B, and Type C. Each type requires different tools and trenching techniques. Always test multiple times before attempting to excavate and install a trench box into the area.
When most people think of construction workers, they imagine them doing work along the highway. However, this is actually one of the simpler jobs and projects of the construction workers. Other types of projects include renovating and rebuilding bridges, building trench boxes, and excavation shoring projects. Each of these projects requires careful planning and a variety of tools for optimal safety. In many of these projects, you will find OSHA rated trench box rentals. You will also find tools for building temporary bridges. Finally, multiple testing items are usually present to ensure the soil is safe for the installation of both trench box rentals and temporary bridges.