It’s incredible all the different forms paper can come in.
We use cardstock to keep our business cards as durable as possible, then turn to simple copy paper to create rough drafts for the beginning of a new project. Artists will use toothy paper for charcoal work and children love big, colorful construction paper for crafts. When you need a powerful end result that gleams in the light, white engineering bond paper is the tool to use. Your printer can only do so much, after all, and it’s worth taking extra time to choose paper that’ll hold up in nearly all areas without losing strength.
Bulk engineering paper will be your best friend in the coming months. Here’s why.
There’s a lot of discussion about paper and how our attitudes toward the resource will change over the coming years. You have businesses going out of their way to utilize less paper when storing data and people taking care to recycle their newspapers at the end of each week. Choosing better paper for your methods is another way of getting smart about the resources you use. Not only do you create a better end product, you also spend less time tossing out your failures and trying to catch up to where you left off.
Americans have been taking great care to recycle their materials and stimulate the economy. The United States sees more paper products reused than sent to landfills, with the paper industry set to rake in a goal of a 60% scrap paper recovery rate. Not only was this impressive number achieved against all odds, it was achieved three years early. Today more than one-third of new paper is made using recycled fiber. This doesn’t affect the final quality of the product at all.
It’s not hard to see why superior vinyl paper rolls are in such high demand. Today California has more architects than any other state, totaling up 17,000 by the time 2016 wrapped up. The state with the second most architects remains New York at 10,000. The global market for wide format printers, in particular, is projected to hit $7 billion by 2022. There’s an ever increasing demand for shiny, rich paper and businesses around the world are doing their best to fill in the gap.
The very first plotter was invented back in the 1950’s, paving the way for the iconic result we know and love today. The majority of today’s architectural and engineering offices average around 3,500 square feet per month of printing output, though this is where the next important detail comes into play. Your paper can be adjusted down to the most minute detail to ensure it delivers on your goals. Plotter paper roll widths are expressed in inches, with common roll widths for wide-format plotters including 11, 17, 18, 22 and 24 inches.
Here are a few other terms you should get comfortable with as you sort through the most appropriate white engineering bond paper. Paper brightness is used to measure the amount of reflections on a specific wavelength of blue light. This is commonly done on a scale of 0 to 100 (which you can read on the product description page or side of the box). The higher the number is equivalent to how bright the paper will be. Other elements, like thickness and gloss, should also be taken into account.
Paper is a beautiful thing. Make sure it stays that way when searching for white engineering bond paper and bond paper rolls.