Electricity is a highly reliable and convenient source of energy. In our modern living, we use it to power home appliances and electronics and even facilitate transport. This guide discusses ten facts you probably didn’t know about electrical industries today. Read on.
1. Electrical Companies Supply Electricity in Three Stages
Electricity is available in most parts of the world, including the remote ones. As a consumer, you’ve probably wondered how electricity is generated and made available to users. Well, electrical industries today supply electricity in three main stages, which include generation, transmission, and distribution.
This is the initial step whereby electrical firms use primary energy sources to get electrical energy. These sources include wind and fossil energy like natural gas or coal. Renewable sources like wind, hydropower, or solar can also generate electricity.
The generating stations contain huge generators which draw power from the primary source and convert the mechanical energy to electrical power.
The next step after generation is to deliver the power to consumers, which is done using high-voltage power lines. The transmission lines are made of a highly conductive material, like copper or aluminum, which helps to transmit power over a long distance to reach consumers.
Distribution is the final stage of the power supply process, where electricity is moved from the transmission lines to transformers. Most transformers are located near the consumer’s property, and they reduce the power voltage to meet the consumer’s needs.
For instance, if you run an iron casting company, the transformers will lower the voltage to meet your company’s needs and reduce the risk of high voltage.
2. Electricity Powers Many Modern Devices
Electricity is used almost everywhere nowadays, and it’s quite hard to think of life without it. From torches to phones and even airplanes, many modern devices rely on electricity to operate. Electrical industries today are doing a great job in supplying many electro-powered devices to make life easier. Here are the main areas of electrical usage in today’s world.
Residential Usage
Refrigerators, cooking appliances, dishwashers, and even showers at home use electricity. Other appliances that rely on electricity include microwaves, water dispensers, cooking stoves, toasters, and televisions.
Commercial Usage
Companies need electricity to operate machines and benefit from lighting. Other industries, like a 3m graphic company, need electricity to operate throughout. Hence, we cannot underestimate electricity use in commercial space.
Outdoors Usage
Many modern street lights use electricity if they’re not solar-powered. Lawnmowers and some water sprinklers are electric-powered for speed and ease of convenience.
3. Proper Protection Clothing is a Must for Electrical Companies
Electricity handling is risky. As much as electrical industries are doing great work in powering many devices, electricians are required to observe safety by wearing the right clothing.
Electrical workers are exposed to many risks, which include electrical shocks, slips and falls, burns, and even lacerations from sharp objects. That’s why observing the right biohazard sharps disposal and wearing the right protective gear is highly recommended. Here are the main types of protective clothing that electrical industries today must adhere to.
Hard Hats
The head is quite sensitive, so hard hats are used to protect it from falling objects or in cases of slips and falls. The hats should resist water, acids, and any other hazardous liquid.
Safety Shoes
All electricians should wear high-quality safety shoes for maximum protection against slips and falls, falling objects, muscle strain, electric shocks, and harsh external weather conditions.
Hand Gloves
Hand gloves keep the hands clean and safe from possible damage resulting from cuts, electrical shocks, and burns. The right-hand gloves should be strong and made of a highly resistant leather material.
Eye Safety Goggles
Like the head and hands, eyes are sensitive and require maximum protection when handling electrical jobs. As such, electrical firms should offer electricians safe goggles for protection against flying objects and other electrical hazards.
4. Many Electrical Firms Are Embracing Technology
Technology makes work easier, and electrical firms have been at the forefront of embracing it to facilitate operations. Many firms have developed great innovations in the electrical field, like smart grids and betavoltaics, to streamline activities.
Companies with data center capacity management accurately plan for their resources and, thus, enjoy high-efficiency levels. Here are the main types of technology used by electrical industries today.
Robots and Drones
Robots are used in commercial places to replace human labor. In the electrical industry, companies use robots in danger zones or areas with high risk of electrical hazards where humans can’t go.
Similarly, drones take pictures and videos of risky places, making it easier to see things without physically going there.
Cloud-Based Scheduling Software
Meetings are critical to electricians, but physical meet-ups can be time-consuming. Using paper to hold meetings can be tiresome, and paper is almost becoming obsolete. Many electrical industries today are taking advantage of cloud-based solutions, including scheduling software to plan meetings and record everything well with a high-efficiency level.
Smart Watches
To many people, smart watches are designed for luxury. However, in the electrical field, smart watches are used for safety reasons, as some of them have sensors that notify them in high-voltage areas.
Virtual designs are becoming more popular than ever, and the electrical field hasn’t been left behind regarding its adoption. Some electrical firms use this technology to pre-plan electrical components while offsite and even deliver them to the project site to reduce congestion.
5. Energy-Efficient Appliances Are Many Nowadays
While home electrical appliances make work easier, some consume a lot of energy, producing excess harmful gasses. Thankfully, energy-efficient appliances are now available, giving consumers a more affordable and eco-friendly option.
These appliances also use less water and help improve your quality of life by reducing the carbon footprint in your compound. If you need a new energy-efficient home appliance, check the energy label given by the manufacturer. The label offers energy consumption details, so you can know how much energy you’ll use compared to similar models.
Energy efficiency features are not only available to home appliances but to vehicles as well. Most electrical vehicles like mini coopers are energy efficient, saving you much money in the long run. Once you buy one, you only need to find a reliable Mini Cooper repair and maintenance service to extend the lifespan of your vehicle.
6. There Are Many Types of Electrical Wiring
Electric wiring/cabling is the primary way of supplying electricity to our homes. The cables, sockets, and switches allow power distribution at the property, and certified electricians do it.
If you need electricity installation at your home, it’s advisable to hire a reliable electrical panel wiring service. An electrician should examine the location of your home and offer advice on the wiring, including the best wiring method you should use. Here are the most common types of wiring offered by electrical industries today.
Cleat Wiring
Cleat wiring is a temporary wiring solution, which is also one of the cheapest. The system involves the use of PVC-insulated wires installed on cleats. The cleats can consist of pallet racks, plastic, or porcelain.
Casing and Capping Wiring
Casing and capping is one of today’s most durable and commonly used wiring methods. The system is used in areas with high human traffic to offer maximum protection because the casing reduces the risk of shock. Also, this wiring protects the electrical cables from smoke, rain, and other harsh environmental conditions.
Conduit Wiring
Conduit is another popular wiring system where all electrical wires pass through a pipe. The conduit can be made of plastic or metal and should offer maximum protection to users. This wiring is popular in residential areas.
7. There are Four Main Components of Power Supply
Electrical industries must produce electricity and deliver it to consumers promptly and reliably. As such, these firms utilize four main components to achieve this. These components include a transformer, rectifier, filter, and regulator circuits.
A transformer is used to reduce or increase voltage in power. Every transformer has multiple windings and coils to change the voltage level according to the consumer’s needs. There are two main types of transformers: step-up, step-down, and isolation.
The main role of a rectifier is to convert alternating current to direct current, while the filter removes any AC that could have remained and turns it into pure DC. Rectifiers and regulator circuits ensure the voltage remains as constant as possible, minimizing hazards and ensuring the consumer gets the required electricity.
If your business depends on electricity, like in making rebar and other metallic products, it’s important to understand your electricity voltage, and an experienced electrician can help you. Find an electrician to regularly inspect your systems and ensure all power supply elements are in excellent condition.
8. Electricity Sources Are Either Renewable or Non-renewable
As mentioned earlier, electrical companies get power from renewable or non-renewable primary sources. Renewable energy comes from resources that replenish naturally and cannot easily be depleted. The main types include sunlight, wind, and water.
Sunlight is the most common natural source that electrical firms utilize to produce electrical power. Non-renewable sources of electricity include timber, coal, oil, natural gas, and other types of fossil fuels. With time, the non-renewable power sources get replenished, meaning you can only rely on them for a short time.
Electrical companies utilize renewable and non-renewable sources to meet consumers’ demands and ensure each consumer gets what they want. Electricity is a secondary energy carrier, so you can convert it to heat and other forms of energy.
The versatile nature of electricity makes it possible to use for varying reasons. That’s why it’s possible to convert it to heat and run a stainless steel angle construction business or use it as light at home.
9. The Electric Power Industry Is Growing
The electric power industry has grown substantially, thanks to the advancements and high consumer demand. In 2021, the global electricity generation was valued at 28.5 trillion kilowatt-hours, and it might grow to
31 trillion kilowatt-hours by 2026. Here are the main reasons behind the rapid growth of the electrical industries today.
Urbanization raises energy needs, and more people continue to move to urban areas and electrical appliances. These appliances include microwaves, refrigerators, lighting, and cooking appliances. Also, these appliances have become readily available in the markets at affordable costs, increasing their usage, hence the high electricity demands.
Rising Population
The world population has been rising steadily over the years, and the increasing population has increased energy usage. According to a recent study, a
1%increase in human population raises the total energy consumption by 0.36 %
Technology Advancement
From smartphones to computers to robotics, many devices use electricity, and their inventions have greatly increased electricity use.
There are many manufacturing and processing industries now; most use electricity to power machines and achieve other functions. Even a sign company needs the power to generate and print the signs using computers. As more companies continue to thrive, electricity demands will continue to increase, thus facilitating industry growth.
10. Hydropower Is the Largest Source of Renewable Energy Used Today
Hydropower is one of today’s most reliable clean electricity sources. Water is readily available, and it’s a renewable source that electrical industries use today to generate power. Here are the main reasons electric companies prefer hydropower to other energy sources like fossil fuels.
Clean Energy
Hydropower generation does not produce harmful emissions which cause pollution. This energy source only comes from water, which does not pollute the environment. Therefore, hydropower is a great environmentally friendly source of power that has gained popularity over the years.
Electrical firms consider the cost of producing power, and hydropower is affordable. Since water is readily available in many areas, the companies don’t use much money to find it, and most water sources come with already existing bridges, which makes assessing the source even easier.
Water sources are quite reliable, and most don’t dry up even in summer. As such, electrical industries can use the dams for a prolonged period and supply consumers with constant electricity for a long period.
The Electrical Industry Is Growing
Generally, the electrical industry has been growing, and that’s why there are many firms in the electrical supply business today. Hopefully, the guide above has given you some insights about electrical industries today, what they are up to, and how they generate power.