Does your industry use a server for its network or other technological applications? Many companies do, but not all companies are using the right equipment for the job. Servers typically have to be stored in rackmount computer cases, which can be smaller 1u or 2u rackmount cases for small units or they be entire cabinets for server rooms. But not all rackmount cases are created equally: many don’t offer the adequate protection that servers and other equipment need, especially if they’re to be used on the go. If your servers are mobile for warfare, broadcasting, or other uses, then you may need custom rackmount cases to properly store and transport that equipment.
What are custom rackmount cases? These cases can be ordered to your specifications to house servers, computers, or other electronic devices. There are many ways to select the best rackmount server cases, but here are a few specifications you should look for when shopping around:
1. Materials. Rackmount cases can be made from a variety of materials, but not all of those will protect your devices equally. By far the best material for rackmounts is aluminum: it’s durable and strong but lightweight, and it easily protects against shock, water, and other contaminants.
2. Features. Rackmount cases include a variety of safety features to help protect your investments. Foam padding inside the cases is a common feature, as this can help with transportation. Draw down latches are also a useful accessory made to secure the server in place. Some rackmount cases can also be made portable, so check to see which options yours has.
3. Customization. One of the most important things to do before purchasing a rackmount case is to consider its purpose. Many servers and other devices have their own requirements, so being able to create custom rackmount cases is crucial to getting the best quality. Consider purchasing an aluminum case if your business takes you on the road.
Have more questions about how to select the proper rackmount server case for your business? Leave a comment below and get in touch with a supplier.