You might not be aware of this, but there were approximately 77 MILLION BlackBerrys in use around the world as of December of 2012. Of all those BlackBerry users, about 91 percent of them access organization tools on an everyday basis, compared to only about 65 percent of other smart phone users. Using a mobile device for work purposes may require additional security solutions, some of which can be easily implemented by using a 3rd party mobile device management (MDM) software provider. A proactive Bring Your Own Device policy (often referred to as “BYOD”, for short) requires that users lock and password protect their mobile device. These types of BYOD policies often enable remote locking and wiping of secure company data in the event of a loss as well. Roughly one full quarter of companies allow BYOD, but they do not have any kind of BES security policy (short for “BlackBerry Enterprise Software policy) in place. Not having your own Blackberry mobile device management Bes policy means that your business could be at risk of valuable data being compromised in the event of a BlackBerry being lost, so it is best to investigate BES security policy options, and get one in place ASAP.
Check out some Bes security policy web sites today, and find out how you can start implementing common BES security policy conventions to protect the valuable data that your employees keep on their BlackBerrys. Offering the BYOD option for your employees allows for a lot of convenience, and provides them with the opportunity to use their BlackBerrys as valuable and powerful business tools, but, if you are not making use of a good BES security policy, then the risk could very well be outweighing the benefits.