Education has come a long way.
Much of what we take for granted today, or even view as dull, wasn’t possible just a handful of decades ago. Instead of scratching chalk all over a chalkboard we can now enjoy flexible presentation slides that boast higher retention rates. Instead of glitching video that cuts off halfway we enjoy audio video feeds that are of the highest possible quality. When you want to make sure your classroom is receiving the very best in modern knowledge, you reach out to audio video experts that are keen on meeting you halfway.
Before you start working on your final draft, consider reading below to make sure you’re caught up on the latest sound systems and audio video design.
Everyone wants the latest technology. The number of headphones and headsets sold around the world has increased from 235 million back in 2013 to an impressive 335 million by the end of 2016. Global sales of Bluetooth docking speakers, in particular, have enjoyed steady growth since 2013. Recent industry estimates have seen an excess of 40 million sold, which should tell you something about the changing standards in educational, residential and artistic settings. The United States is considered today to be one of the most profitable markets for high quality audio and sound equipment.
When crafting a presentation you need to keep a few things in mind. It’s not enough to just buy the right equipment. You need to make sure you’re utilizing it properly to maximize whatever it is you’re trying to get across, whether it’s a call to action or increased awareness. AV design is an entire field designed to help teachers, students and families see eye-to-eye, despite coming from very different experiences. Your goal is to make sure your presentation doesn’t cut off, glitch or struggle with its sound design. This is where a little psychology comes into play.
Ongoing studies are conducted to better assess what students and individuals need when viewing a presentation. Many studies done by experimental psychologists and educators have found that retention of information three days after a meeting, or any other event, is six times greater when information is presented by visual and oral means. Compare and contrast this with information presented solely through the spoken word, which had much lower rates of success. Additional studies have found people will remember around 10% of information from an oral presentation, with the highest being 65% from a visual and oral presentation.
When you want to take advantage of this multi-faceted learning experience you make sure your design knowledge is up to par. This means larger groups should not just have crisp, high quality video, they should have aids that are easy to see. This includes slides, transparencies and even the occasional poster. The optimum group size for these methods is between five and 100 people. Groups larger than 25 people are most likely to require a larger screen, as well as an assistant to change the frames. One study found that over 80% of human learning occurs visually, with the remaining through the other senses.
Your AV material is dependent on a combination of proper sound system installation, high quality audio and video…and a little extra design prowess to make it all click. When preparing your presentation it’s important to keep the time limit just long enough to get across your main points, but short enough to encourage retention. 10 to 15 slides is considered adequate for a 15 minute presentation, though this can be altered slightly if you’re more experienced. Today audio video companies are hard at work installing superior speakers and helping professors do their jobs even better than before.
Thanks to technology, education is better than its ever been.
Helpful info also found here.