As you are hopefully aware, your company is in need of a quality internet presence. Knowing the perspectives of internet marketing from all sides is something you as business owner should be relatively familiar. Also as a professional you know the ins and outs of your industry and would consider yourself more than astute on your business. And it this business is not internet marketing, you need to outsource.
Your search for an SEO company for small business has already begun. It started when you asked yourself what is an SEO company and how can it help me. Your search began the moment you realized your tactics to drive business needed a boost. Enlisting a search marketing company is what wise business owners do when they need an edge on their competition.
But what is an SEO company, really, you may be asking yourself. The right SEO company will drive business to your website, assuming you have a website. It does so enlisting the search engine used, manipulating its keyword search crawlers.
But how will this company help my bottom line, you may be wondering. SEO (search engine optimization) companies are focused on updating your website content, based on ever changing search engine algorithms, to reach your target audience. SEO keywords are chosen based on popular terms your audience, or market, has used in search engines (ie. Google, Yahoo, etc.) to conduct internet searches implementing certain words or phrases.
Ideally, this will get you a presence on the top of the search engine page. This is important given 75% of search engine users do not look for results beyond the first page. Sound easy enough? Well there are enumerable nuances to the tricks of the trade. For example, your website domain should include one of the top five most used anchor texts for top SEO results. Given 34% of marketers conclude SEO is very effective, over 75% with strategic SEO campaigns in place use content creation as part of those campaigns.
If you are still asking yourself what is an SEO company, you and your company are in jeopardy. Back in late 80’s and even into the early 90’s people thought the internet was just a trend. The internet is now the source of billion in dollars of annual commerce across the entire world. The same can be assumed for SEO during its fledgling years, but for now SEO the most effective lead generation tactic.