Good customer service is crucial to any business. Customer service representatives are on the front lines, fielding questions and concerns directly from customers, and ensuring that they are handled appropriately. If customers find a friendly face or a friendly voice to deal with, who they feel is understanding, and willing to help with their concerns, they will be much more willing to do business with your company in the future.
Unfortunately it is very expensive to staff a call center around the clock, and there are times where your customers will want to reach you, while you and your staff are out of the office. For this reason, hiring a 24 hour answering service is a great benefit to your company. A live receptionist answering service will provide your customers with a friendly voice to field their calls, anytime, day or night. Though they may not be able to handle the problem until Monday morning, the customer will take comfort in knowing that their complaints have been heard. A small business answering service is a much more reassuring experience for customers than trying to deal with an automated answering service, where they leave a message, hoping it doesn’t get lost in the abyss.
Small businesses, in particular, thrive on their close customer relationships. Customers often don’t like to deal with big corporations, where they are treated more as a number, than an actual person. Small businesses are able to provide that person-to-person connection, and a small business answering service is the perfect way to do that. A small business answering service will work to “humanize” any company, and to help customers feel like yours is a company they can trust.
If you want to foster a strong business/customer relationship, hiring a live operator answering service will prove exactly the effect you are looking for. No longer will customers call in with a question or a complaint, and hear a recorded message telling them to leave a message, or call back during business hours. They will be much happier dealing with an actual person, and you will be much happier dealing with happier customers.