Four Out Of Five Customers Prefer To Shop On Their Phones What This Means For Your Business

Responsive web design

Your digital marketing campaign means the difference between a successful business that delivers time and time again…and a business that’s going to go belly-up before the year’s even done.

Refrain from putting all your eggs in one basket and diversify your approach. Affordable web design, SEO strategies for ecommerce sites and digital marketing optimization all work better when they’re part of a team. They make sure customers aren’t just finding your site in the first place, but are given a reason to stick around beyond flashing bright colors and text at random intervals. With the digital market only expanding from here, any business that wants to stay afloat in these chaotic waters needs to use every tool at its disposal. Here are five no company should be without.

Mobile Optimization Reaches The Most Customers

Any digital marketing consultant worth their salt will likely bring this up as their first point. If your business isn’t able to be browsed anywhere…is it really accessible? Mobile optimization is a simple yet highly effective way of reaching out to the most people possible. A lot of shopping and browsing is done on-the-go, after all, and nothing spells disaster sooner than a business website that can’t load on the average iPhone or tablet. Over 65% of cell owners will look at their phone for messages or alerts, with another four out of five consumers much preferring to use their smartphones to shop.

SEO Is A Smart Way To Advertise Your Brand

What else can a digital marketing consultant tell you? Listen to your consumer base. Customers don’t like obnoxious advertisements — instead of bombarding your clients with bright colors and flashy banners go for a more subtle and informative approach with SEO. Short for ‘search engine optimization’ this digital marketing strategy uses informative articles to guide customers to businesses that will deliver, using keywords to make sure the right people are finding the right businesses at all times. Search engines like Google and Yahoo influence up to 80% of business purchase decisions.

Make Sure Your Web Design Holds Up To Scrutiny

Your website should be clean, concise and easy to browse — anything less and you’ll be losing customers every day. A recent study found as many as 40% of people will outright abandon a web page if it takes more than three seconds to load. Another 45% of consumers admitted they often have difficulty interacting with web pages on their mobile devices, stating navigation was a chore that often had them seeking out their competitors. Go for a basic color scheme and make sure your contact information is easy to find.

Strike A Balance With Interactive Web Design

What ways can you make your website interactive while still being accessible and providing customers with the ease of access they need? Interactive web design urges customers to treat your business as more than just a place to windowshop, but a brand that genuinely wants their feedback and participation. This can mean simple polls to offer thoughts on products, e-mail marketing lists or comment boards. A digital marketing consultant can give you enough advice so you’re spending less time fussing and more time making money.

Hire A Digital Marketing Consultant

When in doubt…let a professional shoulder some of the burden. With more than enough digital marketing companies these days providing everything from basic consultation to entire overhauls, there is just no excuse to be falling behind in your digital marketing campaign — it’s estimated just over 40% of worldwide internet users have either brought products or goods online, with ecommerce generating over $1 million every 30 seconds alone. Create a digital marketing campaign that covers the basics while staying up-to-date on the latest trends, even if it’s just implementing SEO for the first time.

Got it all covered? Then let a digital marketing firm look over your business this year and carry it to the potential it deserves.

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